Friday, May 9, 2014

Tacoma Walk-in Clinic: Don’t Let the Freeze Put You Under the Weather

If any of the signs of hypothermia or frostbite creep up, it is advisable to seek urgent care in Tacoma – like many operated by U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group – right away. If getting to a medical facility is out of the question, warm up affected areas of the body with warm water. Drinking hot, non-alcoholic beverages should also help to raise your body temperature to safer levels.

Regardless of whether you are able to provide sufficient first aid for either hypothermia or frostbite, however, visiting a Tacoma walk-in clinic should be your priority as soon as you can manage to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Great information here! Always good to know how to handle any type of weather.

    -Kris C.
